Thursday, April 14, 2011

We are still here!

I know it has almost been a week since my last post. But do not fear, underdog is here.....I mean we are still here. We have had a few things come up this week and I have not taken many photos. Tonight though Rich and Tucker are going to start on his pine derby car, so I will have pictures of that and then this weekend is the big race. Can you tell we are procrastinators or what? Trenton starts his TCAP tests this week. I almost forgot to give him his medicine before we left....that would not have been pretty at all! Rich has all of next week off and we are getting our new roof on! FINALLY!!! After 2 years of going back and forth with our insurance company! We cannot wait. We also are looking forward to Easter. Rich's parents will be here and Neice and Jim will be back from Alaska. The only that will be missing is Granny. She is in Arizona staying with Aunt Betty for the month. We have alot of things coming up, so do not write us off!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Special Olympics!

Well... Trenton and I went to the Rutherford County Special Olympics today. It was great! I was so moved that there were so many people that came out to support these kids. The entire school came out this morning and made signs and cheered the kids out of the driveway.(that is Tucker with the sign) I was bawling in the van. Parents of a special needs children worry how other kids treat their child, because they are "different". It was again...great. Trenton did not participate, he was a spectator, but we both enjoyed it. I hope you look at these pictures and think how you treat the people around you. I hope you see these kids and know that they cannot fix or change themselves. God has given them something more, he has given them something "special".

Meet the Jedi Master...

Well.... I came home from work on Wednesday and was greeted by the Jedi Master Tucker. He told me what his name was, but I do not think I could spell it. He wore this for quite some time, until he got to hot. The force must really awesome to have you wrap yourself in blankets in 75 degree weather!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Check out the camera pics...

Well, the camera is something that the boys like to get and take photos of the oddest things. Trenton loves to take pictures of his creations and Tucker likes to take pictures of his Star Wars dudes. It makes me laugh to see these on the camera, they are too funny not to share! Enjoy!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Howdy weekend!

The weekend is here!!! What does Patch of Heaven look like on a Saturday morning you ask??? Well we have Star Wars going on in the living room and The Naked Avenger in the boys bedroom....yes Trenton only has on his "draughers"....but if you know Trenton, this comes as no shock. Rich is on the horn with his mom and I am thinking about mowing and digging up some plants. The sun is FINALLY out and it is suppose to be 63 today...awwww Tennessee spring. I hope everyone has a FaBuLoUs weekend! See you Sunday :)