Sunday, May 9, 2010

What makes me a mom....

What makes a person a mom? One you have to fall in love with a wonderful man, get married and have babies. This makes you a mother. What makes you a mom is wanting it, and trying your best everyday. To have those babies grow up and know that you will love them forever. No matter what they do, you will always love them. I truly have had a wonderful day. I got french toast casserole for breakfast, 4 car washes and tacos for dinner. Life is good!

My Mothers Day gift...

What did I want for Mother's Day? I wanted 4 loads of mulch. I wanted to be dirty and smelly and have to use Ben-Gay that night! I loved it. I looks great, I have a wonderful husband that will do anything I ask him. He worked right with me on Saturday and Sunday. Trenton and Tucker even helped out on Saturday. It was wonderful!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Rain, Rain go away....

Well, we had a little bit of rain this weekend. Not much, just a few inches. Actually, Nashville was really hit. They got anywhere between 12 and 15 inches. That is a lot of water. Several of the rivers in Nashville have rose so much, that they had to do several rescues with boats. The news said that this was the worst rain they have had since the 1970's. Our yard and garden is totally underwater.The kids out of school tomorrow. They are happy, we are not so happy. I guess April showers bring May flowers....wait a minute it is already May....what the????

Happy Birthday Tucker!

We celebrated Tucker's birthday Saturday. I cannot believe that he will be 8 years old on Monday! I can still see his little face when he was first born. How sweet and small he was.....well maybe sweet not so smaall, 9.12 pounds. He was such a surprise to us. I remember the day we found out I was pregnant. It was the day before 9/11. That day will forever be burned on my memory. How I was worried Rich would be upset we were not going to be the 3 Musketeers anymore. How this baby would change our life. How Trenton and Klondike would react to a newborn. I look back on those questions, and thank God he sent Tuckman to us. He is a true blessing! We love him so much and hope one day he will have a sweet boy of his own, to know the love that his momma and daddy have for him. Happy Birthday Tuckman....We love you!