Monday, June 28, 2010

TOTALLY Wiped out!

Well we had quite a weekend! All of us were totally spent after the Karley ordeal. As you can see.....TOTALLY SPENT!

Pickles anyone?

Ok, so maybe 4 plants of cucumbers are one too many. WOW.... we have alot of cucumbers. So this weekend I found a recipe for freezer and easy. Salt them, soak them, and then freeze them. Of course you add vinegar and sugar....we will see. It takes 3 week in the freezer. The only thing we will be out is the bag. If we get food poisoning, you know it will be on here. :)

Love the leg warmers!

Karley decided on Saturday morning that she would take a brisk jog.....with a complete stranger. Rich let her out to go to the bathroom and she decided to take off and chase this guy on a bicycle for a mile. Poor Rich took off in his pajamas and tried to chase her down. He did not get very far, so he had to come back for the truck. Lets just say Karley looked like she should be eating sushi somewhere, the way her eyes were slanted once he got to her. After they returned we noticed that she was limping. She ran so fast and hard that she ripped her paws off.....yes this can happen. Or at least she ripped the paw pads off. Bless her heart, we had to wrap her front feet in gauze and neosporin. Mom had sent these socks for Klondike (RIP) for her when we thought her feet were bothering her. Thank God, Karley got to be stylin' and profilin' this weekend.....she looked cute, but she is still a dork.

Outside home...

We love to hang out outside. It is like home away from home without being away from home.....does that make sense? This weekend Rich hung a fan, made a shelf for the stereo and put the stereo speakers up. It is great. We can swim and listen to music or sit out there and unwind. We love it!!! Look how big those plants are getting, the heat water and sun does a plant good!
Rich made this log holder thing for the firepit (that is the technical name for it) It looks SO much nicer!

Thank God for the Joy! Those tie ties come in handy here in redneckville! What will we do when Dad retires, my gosh we will have to buy them ourselves!!! Oh the horror!

Again....thank God for the Joy. Fan....14.00, tieties that my fatherlaw dug out of the sweeper pile....priceless. :)

Another picture of the forest.....wonder who is love with the pond?

Monday, June 21, 2010

One more thing...

If you need a laugh, check out for some pretty funny VBS videos. Tucker in day two is HILARIOUS!!! YOu can tell the child has watched Dancing with the Stars this season!

Happy Father's Day!

What makes a father???? These little farts.....Happy Fathers Day to all the dad's, grandpa's and pa's out there. Without you.....well there would be no us....but lets not think about that, cuz that's nasty. :)

Our first veggie!

This looks like some sick VeggieTales character. This is our first squash and zucchini, we had them on Sunday. Rich was so excited to get something out of his garden. I just want the tomatoes!

VBS is finished!

Well the meatball is done and the dishes are done. VBS Hero Headquarters is done.....I want to cheer and I want to cry at the same time. It is kind of like Christmas, you prepare for something and it is over before you know it. Unlike Christmas VBS goes on for a whole week. I think it was a huge success though. We had about 40 kids each day, which is good. Of course, we live in the Baptist belt though and was told that VBS is not VBS unless you have about 500 kids....well kiss my Lutheran grits, we had 40 and it was enough. .... Captain Meatball, striking a pose, or is he the hooters girl with a genetic boobie growth, we will never know.
The kids rocking out to God is my HERO....Look at Tucker and Amerly, they are the only ones that wore their masks all week....bless em!

The Heroes at the VBS kick off. Tucker looks so happy to be there. I think he had too much VBS that weekend.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Trenton is so happy it is summer!

This picture says it all! The newest sign on the deck....

Hero Headquarters have blown up!!!!

Well the count down for VBS has begun. We are in the decorating mode and hopefully this weekend will get all the groceries and start the week off with the kick off on Sunday. Hopefully the Lord will send us good weather and the week to fly by.....did I just say that?? This is one of our store front for Hero City. For those of you that may not know who Edna Mode is, she is on The Incredible's and does the costumes for all the superheroes.
This is the sign for the garage....Tony Stark=Iron Man....

Thank God no one is going to be visiting....we would have to sleep in one bed....not good!

A work in process....

The back deck is really coming together. Rich is taking steps to hopefully enclose it next year. He closed in the sides, it needs to be painted, but it is starting to look good. We have totally enjoyed it!

Our little farm....

For someone that never wanted to have a yard, house or children, my husband is a such a farmer. He has worked so hard on our garden this year. Last year our garden sucked. The weeds took over and we hardly got anything from it. Rich said last year that we would have an awesome garden this year, and so far he is right. Her is the whole thing. Corn, tomatoes, zucchini, squash, sweet potatoes, watermelon, cantaloupe and lettuce.

We have the coolest scarecrow on the block...
Our little baby zucchini....

Meet baby squash......

And our first tomato! Oh, how I can taste you with a little bit of salt!!

Tucker's plug....

Well here is the infamous plug in Tucker's ear. This is not a very good picture, but if you look very close you can see that little white cotton plug in his ear. Hopefully we will take it out tomorrow. Last night was a better night than the night before, I hope tonight is better than last night.....we will see.

Monday, June 7, 2010

What you really want to see....

I know not everyone loves my flower beds and house piddling as much as me. Here is the main reason you are here, to see those little stinkers that fill our lives with so much. Trenton and Tucker!!! The picture of Trenton and his Larry Boy. We were working on VBS masks and Trenton asked Rich to make a costume for his Larry. He did a great job and Trenton was ecstatic! He loved it. So all day Saturday what did we watch LARRY BOY!! Tucker had a new friend. This is Karley the clone trooper. He watched Star Wars all day Saturday and went out and played Jedi with Karley. This is her clone wardrobe. Poor Tucker, this was the last smile we saw the rest of the weekend. He woke up Saturday night with MAJOR ear pain. He and I were up all night on Saturday night. Bless his heart, it was bad. The blow dryer and Tylenol were our friend. Sunday morning we were suppose to go to church for the youth day. He and I stayed home and slept. When Rich and Trenton got home, we just sat around and watched TV. I thought he was better.....until Sunday night. OMG! As much as I can believe it, it was worse then Saturday night. I wish I would have taken him to the doctor Sunday....I took him to the doctor on Monday and he has swimmers ear. I always thought that swimmers ear was not as bad as a plain old ear infection....boy I was wrong. He had to have a ear wick in his ear. His ear was totally swollen shut, none of the medicine that we were using was working, because it was not getting down in there. I feel terrible!!!! It is such a bad infections that he has to have Tylenol with codeine. I hope that tonight will be a good night and all of us will get a good night sleep and will start Tuesday a little clearer! Ok, now that I have totally bent your ear, I will tell you that I have missed blogging! I can put all my thoughts and my beautiful family
down. I promise you I will not wait this long to blog! I hope you have missed me as much as I missed you! See/Blog you soon.....and Miss Abby.... I hope you are so happy to see new pictures on this wonderful Tuesday Morning! XOXO to you baby girl!!! :)

Front porch update....

13 years in a house, some things just get the front porch. We do not use it, excepts when someone wants to sell you something. You know how you really do not have anything planned but then you get lost in doing something that turns into something else and then that turns into something else and over and over and over again. This is how this turned out. We went and got mulch to fix the maple trees, while Rich was doing that I decided that I would paint the posts with a can of paint I found in the closet. Then I decided to paint the rings on the posts, like Rich's grandpa's house, well like it use to be. Then we painted my milk can then the star with spray paint. WOW what a difference! Just a few hours, and little hard looks totally different!

Flowerbed fun!

You know Rich and I love to work at Patch of Heaven. It really is not work for us. He love to piddle and I love to piddle, we are a match made in heaven! The back flower bed is looking fab! I think we have the back yard exactly how we want it......well maybe not. After VBS we already have our next project planned. We are going to do a flowerbed around the pool. Back pain, sun burn, BenGay....BRING IT ON!!! Peaches .... Lord please let them ripen, if not poor Tuck is going to have the runs from eating green peaches!
What a view! It looks great, all the hard work has paid off!

That fern is getting huge. It must have the perfect amount of sun, shade and water!

Guess who took this picture? Rich, this is his baby....but I love it also!

These lillies are gorgeous! And best of all, they were free, we got them from a girl from work....the best kind of plant F R E E!!

We are still here!

Whoa! I have felt like I have been away from the computer for like a month....oh wait I have been! We need a new battery for our computer, so we have to have a dang power cord attached. Oh the horror! Things are good here at the Gharing household. We have not had much going on. We have worked in the yard, finished up a school year, watched the boys get big and just be a family. We have done so much in the yard, more pictures of that to follow. Trenton and Tucker finished up the the 2010 school year....did I just hear the hallelujah chorus? No that was Rich. This has not been that bad of a school year. Trenton had a WONDERFUL teacher and we are sad that he will not have Mrs. Bumphus next year. Tucker had a great first grade, he has learned so much this year, it is scary. We got both of their report cards and they both are moving on up, like the Jefferson's. They both seem to have shot up the last month. Tucker is going to be looking me in the eye soon and Trenton already does. Life is good. Here are a few pictures that shows God is with us every day here at Patch of Heaven. We had a thunderstorm that came up and the rainbow is what followed. The promise is evident even today!