Saturday, August 29, 2009

Christmas is around the corner!

Ok, so if you know us, you know that our lives revolve around Christmas. Not the gifts, but the decorating, the time with family and most important, the birth of our Savior. So we are always moving the living room around to see where the Christmas tree is going to go this year. So we moved the fern in from the deck to play the part of the Christmas tree, and walla we have a new way to have the living room. The love seat is at an angle and the big couch is on the longer wall. We like it, but it is only August and Christmas is still 3 months away......but who is counting?

Friday, August 28, 2009

We are in it together!

This has been a week. We can do anything together, and this week has been a testament! With the good Lord, we can get through anything the ole devil dishes bring it on! As I sit here and have sprite sprayed on me! Wow he works fast!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Up Up and to Bed!

Ok last post of the night.....these are our Superheros. Not sure what their names are....but they sure look cute!

Tomorrow is the day!

It's just down to these two people the next couple of days. God, please help my father in law use and cook on the range. Let him not over cook his meal and not throw it out the back door. Help him do laundry but not have to go to work with pink t-shirts or have to turn his underwear inside out just so they will be "clean". Lord help my mother in law do what the doctor tells her to do. She does not need to be and doing washing and vaccuuming. She should be resting, reading and relaxing. But being a women that I swears has ADD, this will never happen. But for our sake, please take care of both of them. We love you guys and want you around for a couple more years!

Dinner is served!

I always tell Rich to start a blog for himself and what he cooks, so since he has not done it I would start it for him. Tonight we had Gumbo and homemade cornbread, Yummy! It was great it had shrimp, chicken and sausage in it! It was wonderful after a rough Monday!

A work in progress.....

Since our garden this year was a great disappointment this year. We wanted to at least plant something that we could watch grow. so we planted gourds and pumpkins. They ha flowers in one of the plants. Hopefully we will have our own pumpkin to carve in October.Here is the new view from the pool pump. We are really trying to think how we want it to look like. I just hope we do not screw anything up! It may look like dodo now, but next year it will look great!.....I prey

Pretty happy that the big Crepe Myrtle is not shoved in the corner anymore. If I could only trim those berry bushes. Next weekend maybe ;)

School house

Guess what?? We have a little school of fish in our pond. There is probably about 20 babies in there. Rich is so proud of his little swimmers.....uh, fish. These are not very good pictures of them but you can kind of see them. Life is so exciting around patch of heaven!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Good Luck Mom!

My mother in law is going in for surgery on Tuesday. I wanted to make sure she knew we were thinking about her and had her in our prayers, Tucker picked this picture because he took it. He said you looked pretty in it. We love you and will keep you in our thoughts Monday and Tuesday.....We will also pray for Dad. He will be wearing the same clothes I am sure for the next couple days.....I mean who is going to set them out for him??? Bless his heart!

Why do weekends go so fast?

Why do the weekends go by so fast. I would love to spend every waking minute with these men. Rich, you are my world. I am so blest to have such a wonderful and loving man love me. We are like 2 peas in a pod and I love it! Trenton, you are so me. I love how you like to be alone and do your own thing. You dance to your own beat and you do not care what others think. I pray you will continue on that path your own little life. You are such a joy and I hope that you will succeed in everything you do. I love you and hope for the best in your life. Tucker....oh my sweet Tuckman. You are so your dad. Your fast wit and just how you are. One day I hope you have a child just like you. Most people say that for revenge, I say that so you can enjoy what your dad and I have enjoyed. Trenton and Tucker I love you more than you can know. I hate Sunday nights knowing how much you do not want to go to school. But knowing that God will lay his protective hand on you and keep you save. I love you little men......more than you will ever know!

What stinkers we have!

After church we drove over to the Greenway here in town and took some pictures of the boys. The clouds were so pretty, big and fluffy. The boys were not very cooperative, but the pictures turned out ok I think. My favorite is the one with the blue flowers and the big clouds. It looks like Little House on the Prairie! Love it!

Fall is rolling in....

You can always tell when fall is coming in from the fog in the morning. My grandpa use to say the more fog you have in the morning during the month of August is how many snows we will get this winter. Not sure if this is true, but it was such a nice thought in the heat of summer to think about the days we would get out of school for snow.This morning, this was the picture on our front porch. I just love living in Tennessee! Oh, by the way this was fog 6 this month!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sending you Tennessee love!

Well this is an old picture from Easter. But I still like it. We wanted to send our Pennsylvania mom and dad love to them this fine Saturday. They know why. I just hope it was a good day for you. We love you and thought about you many times today.

Dontcha just love these boys?

I just love these little stinkers....that is all I gotta say!

The end of the garden...

Today was a beautiful day in Tennessee. It was pretty. I did not get any pictures, because we were working and enjoying the weather. It was only about 80 no humidity and picture perfect sky. We tilled the garden up and took down our tomato plants, and these are what is left. There is one more plant but they have a ton of green 'nators on them. It was a bittersweet thing, we are so ready for fall and perfect today!

Who had the camera???

My wonderful in-laws gave us an awesome Christmas present a few years back. What was the present you ask? It was a digital camera. We can take as many pictures of nonsense and not have to pay to get them developed. But with two boys, these are the kind of pictures you get when they get the camera. The picture above is Larry the cucumbers kingdom. Stitch is the watchdog. To an untrained eye you would not know that, hence why I am telling you. This is a picture of popcorn. Also this is a picture telling me that the microwave needs to be cleaned.

Ok. I am lost on this one. Looks like a sock....a very dirty sock. God only knows what this is. I am sure that at the time they took this picture they were laughing and giggling and thinking how much fun it is taking pictures. But really....what is this?? Well as I was proof reading this Tucker told me it is not a sock, it is a dinosaur who has the untrained eye now?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


As most of you know, I am married to the male version of Paula Deen. We have this joke that he needs to write a book "What's in the sink for dinner?". I usually will set out some type of meat and he goes with the rest. Tonight was chicken stir fry with mixed veggies and wheat noodles. It was YUMMO! I guess that is more Rachael Ray. I have to think of something that Paula says that I can make fun of ....I mean have a signature saying for my darling hubby and his creation. Bless his heart, God made him just for me:)

Way to go Karls!

Well this morning, Trenton and Tucker was suppose to lock karley in her crate.....well apparently this did not happen. They took her back there, but somehow she did not get lock in. When Karley greeted Rich at the back door. Can you hear the "Oh S--T", that came out of his mouth? This is the dog that has started to "run the circuit" as we call it. Running the circuit is starting in the kitchen running on the love seat, run down the hall jump on Tucks bed run to our bedroom hit the wall and run out to living room onto the long sofa and start all over. Amazingly, she did ok. Does this mean she will have to run of the house from now on??????? HELL NO!

Stylin' and Profilin'

As we were getting ready to leave for work and school this morning, I thought the boys looked so nice, I just had to take their picture. The time is flying by so fast. Before we know it they will be driving themselves to school.....well is that not just damn depressing???

Saturday, August 15, 2009

My little handyman....

Remember the "little big project"? Well we have not painted it yet. (Was suppose to happen on vaca, but the blasted tree*&%%$$). So this weekend, the hottest weekend yet, we decided to paint the shed. Thank goodness Tucker was there to help out. He is such a handyman. He loves to paint, help, work in the yard, etc. Trenton on the other hand wants nothing to do with any of that, which is totally fine.

We did have the strangest thing happen this afternoon though. We were about to have lunch and we had a knock on the front door. Rich answered it and there was a little boy there that wanted to play with Trenton. No big deal right? Trenton did not know his name, but said he looked familiar. I think it was really hot and someone wanted to really go swimming. We did tell a white lie to the kid to get rid of him, bless his heart. It was fun for a while, but how do you get rid of someone? Rich did a pretty good job though. We felt bad later when he rode his bike past later and we were in the pool. We were dun king our head so he could not see us. I guess the 11 year old never leaves us.

Welcome to Patch of Heaven!

Well you know everything on Patch of Heaven only lasts about 12 years? Well we had to put our 1997 Murray lawnmower to rest this weekend. Somehow we blew the engine. We changed the oil this year and apparently it used it and seized the engine. I think when we had to make so many trips with the tree it really worked over time. Anyway, we found a nice lawnmower but only had one probably the blade was bent. Not a big deal, my wonderful hubby changed it and I was.....
a happy camper! I got my yard mowed and life is good....for today.

Happy BIrthday Rich!

Happy 34th Birthday Honey! I love you!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Just in case....

178 days left of school!

Tragedy on the 2nd day of school

So I bribed the boys into buying cheap book bags this year. I wanted plain€ dark blue ones and then I was going to have their name embroidered on it. After I was told by many people that that was not the smartest safety thing to do, but also not the most manly thing to do also. So I let them pick a cheap book bag and I told them we would put a super duper cool key chain on it. You know to rock it up a bit. Trenton got Bumblebee and Tucker got Rex off Star Wars. Very excited to hang them on the bags for another day. While I was getting the bags ready to go, I noticed that Rex's arms and feet were gone......sweat beaded on my forehead.....I call Tucker and ask what happened to his feet? He screams Karley and busts out crying. At this point in the morning I want to do the same thing, but what I do best is bargain with the child. "Your dad can go and get you another one today." Tucker "before school?" Me "No you will have it when you get home" Tuck "But brother has Bumblebee" Me (sweating) well it is just going to have to be OK for the day. All I know is I have to go to work. Rich gets the boys off to school and he comes home and makes me this.....

No more tragedy of a chewed on Star Wars figure! Life is Sweet!

Little nightly tidbits...

While fixing dinner tonight we had a casualty. The lighter got a little closer than it really should have. It was melted into his geriatric age.
I mean look at the flames on that thing. By the way the grill if off. It is just burner anything that is in site. Especially...

Our dinner. I am surprised that Rich did not burn his eyebrows off again. This is what happens when we by cheap hamburger patties. I have changed the names to protect the innocent. MartWal, really needs to have some beefier cows. These fat cheap cows (my god not me!) are the pits for dinner! But guess what we ate it anyway, we will have the runs in the morning! YIPEE!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

1st day of school!

Are they not adorable? This was taken this morning, before they started out the 2009 school year. Tucker is so proud of his Bubbafet Star Wars shirt. Trenton looks so innocent standing there.

Poor Trenton was so nervous. Can you not look at this picture and tell? Bless his heart he looks like he is going to vomit.
They both had a great day today. Trenton, said he really liked his teacher. He thought he was going to have fun this year. Tucker had a great time. He does not have any of his little friends in his class from last year, but he told Rich "that is ok, I know all those kids in there anyway". Well ok then. Everyone can give a big sigh of relief (Trenton) the first day os over only 179 more to go!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ready for school.....maybe.

Well we got everything labeled and ready to go Wednesday morning. Their book bags are so heavy, I hope their little backs do not ache. That is all we need to start off the year. Trenton has already had a crying jag and Tucker cannot wait to go to sleep, so he can go to school in the morning. I am amazed that they came from the same parents. (I am with Trenton though, I hated school:() They each got to do what they wanted to do when we got home tonight.
Trenton wanted to the boob tube. I am surprised he smiled for this picture. He had fun today at Nana's. He swam and watched T.V. Good last day....I guess.

Tucker of course wanted to play PlayStation. Star Wars and Lego Batman. Karley decided that she wanted to play also, to Tucker's dismay. He was sad out at Nana's, Amerly went school clothes shopping with her other grandma, so he had to play with....Caden (the enemy) as they call him.
I hope they have a great first day at school. I pray that this year will be awesome and will go by quickly.

Monday, August 10, 2009


So today was the big registration day at the boys school. I hope everything turns out ok. We are not too sure about the new teachers but....well, we will just have to wait and see. Today when I came home though I found these.....How in the devil can anyone loose poundage around here when you are married to a female Paula Deen? I love Rich and apparently he does not mind the dimples.....on my face of course, focus! When school starts these are a every other day occurrence. I wish I hated chocolate! Or for that matter, I wish I would suddenly get anorexia or something like that.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The last supper....:(

Well, summer is officially over. Monday I register them for school. Trenton is in the 4th grade and Tucker is in 1st. Dear lord, where has the time gone? Today Rich and I overheard some girls at church talking about Trenton. Not in a bad way either! They were talking about how he looked different and wondered what he had done that made him look different. Sweet Jesus! Of course he was oblivious to them. We asked him about it and he said they do not like him, they never talk to him. Bless his heart. Tucker on the other hand, this morning in church Pastor asked what a "role model" was and he answered a girl. If I was Jewish I would say Oy! Whatever, I am going to say it anyway! OY!

Superhero Sunday School!

Today was the first Sunday school class for the 2009-2010 year. (yes someone actually trusts me to teach their child). We are doing superheroes of the bible. Moses, Jonah etc. We started off the year with the Armor of God. I do not think they really got it, they wanted to just put on the armor, not learn about it. We only have 1 girl, which is good for us, having 2 boys, girls, pink and froofroo just does not work for us. We have Caden in our class this year, which makes it great to see him and teach him about God's love and all the cool stuff that happens in this wonderful world he loaned us!

Holy Zucchini Batman!

So, thanks to my wonderful in-laws, we have enough zucchini to make SEVERAL loaves of zucchini bread. Saturday, while I was cleaning out the fridge (whole other story there) I decided to chop all of it before it went bad. While I am doing this I always think back on how people that lived in the 1800's or even in the early 1900's how in the world they canned, chopped and saved their food for the winter. My family would have starved. All of our crops would have probably gone to waste. It makes you really appreciate the soul that invented the food processor! God bless you!

Papers and Folders and Crayons...Oh My!

So, this weekend was the big tax free weekend. It actually should be called the "goose filled department store weekend", but I guess they may not get very many people.(or maybe they would?) Since the boys start back to school on Wednesday this was the time we needed to get all of their supplies, with everyone else in the city of Murfreesboro. I hope we got everything on the list. Every year I think, Ok next year I am going to buy a little each week throughout the summer. I never do though. Apparently, deep down I look forward to my "going back to school goose"!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Bigger is not always better....

Ok, so things only last about 12 years in the Gharing home. The lawnmower is the latest thing to go to the 12 year heaven. We borrowed my mothers John Deere lawn TRACTOR. That thing sucked. (or blew, being a lawnmower) I have never been so happy to get off something as I did that thing. It set up higher than our mower, so every tree I went under ripped my hair clip out. Not a good thing for someone that has the Tom and Jerry knots on the top of her head. It ran out of gas, guess where?? That's right under a tree. I was sweating bullets driving the thing. Why Rich took a picture of my ulcer moment is beyond me.... I should have just mowed over him!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Poor Ricky!

You know Rich is sick when he goes to the doctor. He came home from work and I made him an appointment to see someone today. He has a terrible sinus infection. They wanted to give him an antibiotic shot, but we all know how much he enjoys needles. (whatever) I hope you feel better honey....because you are a terrible patient! I love you though!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

boys and their toys!

Notice all the drawings on the wall....those are driving me nuts!
Our boys change what they like on a daily basis. Since we visited grandma and Grandpa, Trenton has been into Larry boy. He wants to be Larryboy for Halloween, We have made many costumes out of old socks for Larryboy. This is Larryboys liar. We are not suppose to pick this up in the morning! Tonight when we got home, Trenton and Tucker were playing so good together. Their room was a mess, but they were having a fun time. I love those two. You can have the worst day and they will say something and it will melt all that tension away. We sometimes think what we did for the 3 years before we had kids. Our life was not as blessed I can tell you that!