Monday, April 27, 2009

After dinner play

Trenton and Tucker are all over the computer after dinner each night. The scary thing about this is that I believe they know more about the thing than we do. One day when Rich and I are old and gray (next week) they will be thinking about how they are going to get rid of us.....maybe that is what they are doing now.

Tragedy at Patch of Heaven.....

We have some sad news to share today, we lost one of our precious babies today. We had one fall out, an apparent suicide, and the other was trying to escape, as seen. We think maybe the black birds are picking on the little guys. In the words of Rodney King "Can't we all just get along?". We have the CSI on the case and the report is pending in this suicide/murder/hate crime.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Our little Tennessee Hicks.....

Trenton and Tucker had so much fun this weekend. Of course their past time is the pool in the summer, but since it is not all the way filled up, they were bored stiff. So...what is the other fun, summer, hot quenching thing to do??? WATER GUNS!! Trenton decided to draw marks on his face....with a RED pen. I am sure he will go to school Monday with marks, but they had a blast. Of course Tucker ran into Trenton's gun and busted his upper lip open. I do not think either one of those kids will be in the military.

Hard at work....or play?

Well, this was the first B E A U T I F U L Tennessee weekend we have had yet. Both Saturday and Sunday were in the 80's. Rich and I both worked in the yard. On Saturday Rich worked on the pond while I did mulch and mowed the yard. Sunday we both planted and moved plants around the pond. Rich also made this really nice boardwalk for the chairs under the Bradford Pear. Since we have not been to Florida for several years, we have our own little paradise in the backyard. After the hard day of working, we sat out there and admired our handywork.

Gharing Baby Birds

Well we have some fast growing babies. Can you believe how fast birds grow? What would it be like if kids grew that fast? What a sad thing. It is amazing how each day your kids teach you something. They show you how wonderful life is and can be. They also show you how God has a sense of humor. We hope that one day when our "birds" are ready to leave the nest, they will know how much they taught their mom and dad during those "nesting" years.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Have a look and see what has gone on.....

These last two days have been so full. Trenton and Tucker haviBlockquoteng their field day at school and
both of them were off today, so daddy felt like summer started early. The boys were a little wild, but I think they loved to be at home. We plan to open the pool up tomorrow. Hopefully it will not be so bad since we had a cover on it this year. I bet Trenton will have his swimsuit on,ready to jump in all day tomorrow. He is just like me, I would get into the coldest pool water when I was young. It makes me laugh to see how God gives them certain things about Rich and I that we had not thought about until they do it. Like Tucker and his coloring. He is so particular with his pencils, Rich is like that. God works in mysterious ways. Well until next time, enjoy the reading!

Our queen Klodike

After all that hard work our old girl Klondike decided that she had enough. She kept prancing around until her blanket and her foam was brought out in to the living room. She is so pampered but we love her, She was our fist baby, She will be 12 years old in August. She is such a good girl.

Our little Patch of a garden.

We finally got our garden in this year. April has been so wet.....and tornadoy that we have not had a nice weekend to put it in. Trenton helped daddy plant the seeds and Tucker helped momma with our scarecrow. We used one of Rich's old work shirt and gloves, Trentons straw hat from the rodeo and a flower pot. I think Tucker and I got the easier of the jobs. Trenton and Rich planted corn, green beans, peas, squash, zuccinni, okra,strawberries, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers. We even planted 2 raspberry bushes. I hope they grow. The boys have already been told that their job will be the weeding. My mom tormented me and Rich's mom tormented him with weeding so it is our turn to torment our kids! :)

Look its a bird , its a kite!!

Today was a beautiful day. The boys had today off for teacher in-service. It was a little windy, so they talked daddy into getting their kites going that the easter bunny brought them. I think daddy was a little upset that he did not get the pond going, but it looks like the boys had a blast!

Field Day Champions!!!

Well, the boys had field day at school on Thursday. Trenton got 3rd place for the egg on a spoon race and Tucker 2nd place for the egg on a spoon race and 3rd place for Jump rope. They have this every year in gym. They have this usually before the Wildcat walk. That is on May 8th. That is usually a long hot day for mom and dad. The boys really love it though, so that is what makes it fun.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Welcome to our Patch of Heaven

We have forgot to let you know of our newest addition to the Patch of Heaven we call home. We have a momma bird and a papa bird that return every year. They always lay their eggs in the ferns that hang on the front porch. For many years we would have dead ferns hanging up because we were always afraid to water them in case we "drowned" the baby birds. Finally we got smart and bout plastic ferns to hang in the front. Why we had not thought of that before I am not sure. The ferns we had used in the past the leaves were turning blue, so we had to break down and buy new ones. We took out the birds nest that they had been calling homes for 5 years. We hung the new plastic ferns up, not thinking that our little friends would be back. We hung those ferns up on Saturday and by Wednesday, they had a nest made. By Easter weekend this is what we found in the nest. The bunny must have stopped early!

Well today we looked at the little home to see
if we had been visited by the stork, and what do
you know , there were 5 little soft looking baby birds. I think they are Chickadees. These are little birds that you see very common in Tennessee. They are so cute though. We will keep you posted the Bird Family.

Have a great night!

School Is Almost O V E R!!!!!!

Spring is probably my favorite time of year. Other than sneezing and pant wetting it is very enjoyable. One thing whensprings comes it means school is almost over. Thank God! We have one that loves school and one that absolutly hates school. Here is Trenton and Tucker this morningnbefore we left for school. It was a little chilly this morning,but as the day wore on it actually turned out nice 70 degrees.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Another day at Patch of Heaven

Another wonderful day in paradise. Trenton for some reason is into lions. We have watched The Wild, The Lion King and The Lion King 1 1/2. I am not sure why he is into them. But whatever he wants to do. This is a picture he drew. Love the Lions mane! :) Gotta love that kid, he changes the things he is in on a daily basis!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday Monday

You know everyone hates Monday. The boys had a good day at school. Trenton drew a cool lion picture. For some reason he is into Lions now. Tucker of course named his astronaught Rex, like Rex the clone wars. I swear that child should have been born in the 80's. All that kid wants to do is play Star Wars. Tonight was a nice night. We grilled hamburgers out and watched TV. After dishes are done we stood and watched our wonderful redneck neighbor mow his yard. I think that they are actually sister and brother. The cops behind us mowed down their jungle.....I mean lawn. Too bad they did not run that dog over, but we cannot ask to much. Rich got off early this morning. He was home by 11:30. Luncky dog! It was a nice night. It is always nice to be just together. The only place that I want to be. Until Tuesday!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

First Time Blogging

WOW!We are finally in the 21st century! Blogging. We do not have much to talk about but I am sure we can fill up some pages. Hope you enjoy!